Easy eeg software download
Easy eeg software download

The program implements a cross-correlation model as well with a new Beta-version non-parametric cross correlations. Users can test for signifanct changes in levels (means) between treatment phases as well as for changes in slope using 5 built-in slope-testing models, partial correlation functions and a custom slope model. Additionally, SMA is designed to allow users to easily implement parametric and non-parametric simulation-modeling approaches to signficance testing. It allows the user to use boostrapping techniques for statistical significance testing for single-subject designs. EEG-Locator is freeware Access the web-app: SMA - Version 11.10.16 -Simulation Modeling Analysis program for short streams of time-series data (Freeware) SMA is a software package designed specifically for single-subject clinical-case analysis applications. This web application is optimized for iPhone, but will work on any internet browser.

Easy eeg software download